Friday, January 07, 2005

Be careful what you wish for...

You asked and begged and complained... now you've finally got them: endless, innumerable posts stretching all the way back to December 23rd. Mwahahahahaha!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey paul, usa natalie again. i got the u2 cd and it sucks! ill bring back a copy for you. thank my boyfriend for it. how are the dogs? don't forget to feed them! hard to believe that my time in the states is running out. am working (not enough!) but hopefully it'll buy me a car. are you reading any of my comments??? okay, i'm out.

8:07 AM  
Blogger christian said...

I don't recall begging for anything.

and of course the new u2 cd sucks. everything of theirs since the joshua tree has...

2:34 AM  
Blogger christian said...

paul, it's not nice to go nine days without saying a word... makes us think you've been eaten by something.

don't do that, m'kay?

7:00 AM  

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