Tuesday, December 21, 2004

More to come...

I smell truly awful right now... I've traveled over 1500 kilometres in the last 30 hours, over two legs of an interminable bus trip. I haven't slept in well over two days, nor eaten anything worth eating in that time.

But life is still pretty damn good... I'm at an internet cafe in Cape Town, and access is vastly faster than in Gabs. Though I haven't checked a map, I suspect Cape Town may be the furthest bit of land from Vanvouver, anywhere in the world, without going to Antarctica... pretty cool. There are even penguins here, whom I plan to visit/eat within the next few days. I'll scribe about all this in great detail, but for the moment I'm simply absorbing the joyous fact that even my casual vacation from my vacation is among the most exotic trips I've ever taken. Life is treating me well... the fact that I just ate a Big Mac notwithstanding...


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