Friday, February 11, 2005


In the Red Cross Ofice, when you need to run errands outside the building, you grab one of two company drivers and have him run you all over town. This isn't particularly noteworthy, except:

1. Yesterday's driver proudly proclaimed "This is my favourite music!" as he played a custom-made CD of the twangiest, whiniest, cruelest American country tunes imaginable.

2. Today's driver played a Milli Vanilli CD (god knows where he found it, but it hasn't aged well since 1990).

Now my brain hurts...


Blogger christian said...

milli vanilli rocks, yo.

if you listen closely to "girl you know it's true" you can hear one of them calling the other "mike" despite their names being rob and fab...

5:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blame it on the rain, yeah yeah. Blame it on the stars that shine at night. But whatever you dooooo don't put the blame on yooooou ...

Hey! Blogger has changed its commenting tool. I no longer have to use my stupid fake Blogger ID to respond. Woo hoo!

9:22 AM  
Blogger Corinne said...


Although the new messaging system does make me consider switching over to Blogger comments. I'll wait a bit longer, still.

5:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

blogger comments still take you to a different screen... I hate that.

spam rools, yo.

5:50 PM  

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