Thursday, March 24, 2005


I'm a git.

I write all my blog postings on my computer at home, and then drag them over the web cafes and post them. Only this time, having finished nearly all of my posts for the last two weeks, including the remnant details of my trip, I forgot my USB key before heading to the interweb place.

This is particularly frustrating because I'm leaving for Mozambique at 6AM tomorrow and will be vanished for two weeks. I'll try to find a net cafe in the capital Maputo where I can throw this stuff online. I think I'm writing mostly for my own records now anyways - who wants to read three-week-old vacation news?

In other news, I finished my job at the Red Cross yesterday! They brought cake, and bought me a copper clock shaped like Africa, and hugged me. A lot. They sang the Botswana Red Cross song, the lyrics to which are absolutely awful, but they made it sound amazing. I have yet to meet a single person in this country who can't sing like a professional vocalist. It's impressive and eerie.

So I'm done!!! I managed to get a whole lot more done at this job than at the last one. Working in Botswana entails savoring the small victories, because large ones are a myth. I had a few small victories - secured some important donations, built a database, trained the staff in how to use it - and I'm glad for them. Not too bad for just 6 weeks work. Now it's just vacation and relaxation and a wee bit of paperwork for three more weeks.

First Mozambique (possibly the poorest country in the world, but with good food and snazzy beaches), then Swaziland (landlocked kingdom ruled by borderline retarded tribalist jackass), then a few days in Gabs wrapping up the details. Then I'm coming back home to the most important thing in the world - Fooooood!!! Delicious Vancouver food!!! Oh yeah, and friends and family and dogs and all that...


Blogger Eva said...

Hey, I happily read 3 week old vacation news!

12:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We demand blogs - or else you can forget a royal homecoming and food. The restaurants will refuse to serve you. Your friends will ignore you. The puppies will snarl and bite you. We demand instant information gratification.

12:10 PM  

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