I'm back in Gabs! Waitaminute, Gabs is the dullest place on Earth. I want to be back in Zambia.
Since I can't have that, it seems (stupid work), I'll have to relive the trip through blog posts, the first batch of which approaches readiness. I went to Zimbabwe, Zambia, Northern Botswana, and technically into Namibia for a few minutes. All were amazing, and all offered different things.
I saw the astonishing Victoria Falls from above and below, across two countries. The animals were everywhere, including elephants, crocs, hippos, and monkeys who raided my tent and scattered my possessions far and wide. The weather was exceptionally pleasant and the mosquitoes were cruel beyond words. Four hundred or so photos did I take, few of which bandwidth will allow me to post, but I'll try.
Soon all will be revealed...
Waitaminute, Canada is the coldest place on earth, I want to be back in Zambia too!!
You had your chance!
You could be working happily (and poor) right now back at Jungle Junction!
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