I'm still intact, and back in Maputo after a few days unwilling in Pretoria and three much better days further north along Mozambique's central coast. Now I'm lingering in the capital until tomorrow, when I set off for Swaziland and visit beasties for a week.
You'll hear more from me after that.
aren't you worried that, on your deathbed, you'll look back at these past few months and think to yourself, "damn, self, why didn't I sit at home in front of the teevee or something instead of all of that running around africa doing interesting things?"
Deeply, deeply worried.
You need to email me and let me know what you want to do for your welcome back festivities! I was thinking maybe a sushi-gorging (all-you-can-eat at Tan Po Po?) soon after you get back (the next day maybe?) and a booze-up the following weekend so that you're not jet-lagged. I think Will may be on the Island the weekend of your return as well, and I know he'll want to be there for your drinking binge. Trap and Gill? My place? Some other place? Let me know and I'll get cracking on the organization.
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